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All about Yeast Nutrient, the wonder yeast for fermentation

Yeast health is one of the most important aspects of making good homebrew beer, wine or mead. After all, it is the sole reason for any alcohol being produced at all. Not only is yeast necessary for converting sugars to alcohol but it is also particularly important because it has a large influence on the flavour of the finished beverage.

Yeast Nutrient products which are distributed by Thái Tân

Thái Tân offers a range of yeast nutrients adapted to your specific fermentation needs from supplier Fermentis:







SpringFerm BR-2

Inactivated yeast (rich in growth factors), zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate

Reduces the risk of sluggish/stuck fermentation typically in wort containing adjunct


SpringFerm NAB-3

Specific blend of triammonium citrate , vitamins, minerals

Ferment pure sugar, produce neutral alcohol base

10 kg


SpringFerm Blanche

Yeast extract rich in native proteins interact to produce a permanent stable haze

Hazy beers



SpringFerm Xtreme

Fermentation activator 100% based on fully autolyzed yeast, 9 times richer in soluble nitrogen than a basic inactive yeast

Reduces the risk of sluggish/stuck fermentation typically in wort which rich in fermentable sugars, poor in nitrogen

1kg, 20kg


SpringFerm Equilibre

Complex fermentation activator based on the synergies of organic and mineral nitrogen

Wine brewing



Learn more about Yeast nutrients

1. What exactly are yeast nutrients?

Yeast nutrients are the products which provide nutrients for the growth of yeast. It could be the key point of reducing stuck fermentation, off-flavors and increasing the efficiency, consistency of fermentation.

2. How many types of yeast nutrients?

A lots. But the most common compounds found in yeast nutrients are the following:

  • Diammonium Phosphate: This is a salt that provides a source of free amino nitrogen (FAN). This is the main ingredient in most yeast nutrient blends and is vital for yeast health.

  • Amino acids and fatty acids (organic or derived from yeast autolysed/yeast hull) – providing resources for new yeast cell production.

  • Minerals: increase the cell count and metabolism.

  • Vitamins: are necessary for the reactions that create the compounds yeasts need to do their job. They also serve as catalysts in many of the reactions that take place during fermentation.

3. The advantages of using yeast nutrients

  • Fast fermentation

  • Consistent fermentation

  • Reduced off flavors

  • Supports adjunct and high gravity brewing

  • Improves rate of yeast growth

  • Useful in high/low nitrogen wort

4. When to use yeast nutrient products?

  • High-gravity brewing

  • Using a lot of sugar to make the wort

  • High-adjunct ratio brewing

  • Stuck fermentation

If you have any questions about yeast nutrients, do not hesitate to contact us!

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