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LalBrew Farmhouse™- Premium Yeast Selection for Saison Beer Style

Saison (French for “season”) is a beer style originating from Wallonia, Belgium, originally produced to provide beer to workers during the farming season. Traditional Saison beers are refreshingly dry with notes of fruit and spice. However, this has plenty of issue as overcarbonation and contamination of diastaticus yeast.

Traditional Saison yeast possess the STA-1 gene and express a glucoamylase enzyme are referred to as diastaticus variants due to their increased diastatic potential.

The newest yeast train Lalbrew Farmhouse from Lallemand – one of the world’s leading yeast suppliers will eliminate all the disadvantages mentioned above. Selective breeding methods (non-GMO) have been used to isolate a non-diastaticus Saison hybrid: Lalbrew Farmhouse. This new hybrid strain does not possess the STA1gene while conserving greater than 70% of the genome off the traditional Saison parental strain.


– This is the result of the research and development work of Renaissance Yeast in Vancouver BC, Canada.

– Non-GMO

– Does not contain the STA-1 gene that produces the diastatic enzyme

– Pitching rate: 50-100 g/hL

– High attenuation, low flocculation

– Alcohol tolerance: 13% ABV

– Fermentation temperature: 20-30 0 C (68-86 0 F)

– Aroma profile: clove, pepper, fruit note


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